Why Choose Learning Connections?
We are licensed to practice in NY and CT.
We can assist in reducing barriers to education, fostering greater community inclusion.
We can educate students and families about the resources available and how to acquire each resource, setting individuals up for greater independence and success.
How long does an educational evaluation take?
The testing process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to nine hours depending on the test requested as well as other circumstances and can be broken up into different days and testing sessions.
What is involved in the testing process?
A full educational evaluation consists of up to 20 subtests that measure academic skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics that assesses different areas of letter and word knowledge, reading fluency and comprehension, phonological and orthographic processing, writing fluency, mathematical reasoning and fluency, as well as dyslexia screening, listening comprehension, and oral expression as needed.
Can I be reimbursed for a private educational evaluation?
If you disagree with the results of your child's school evaluation, you can obtain a private educational evaluation. IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) requires the school district to pay for private evaluations in certain situations.
Why do I need an advocate?
The special education system is complicated and opaque at times, and very often all parties' interests are not aligned. An advocate is completely dedicated to your child's interests when navigating this complex and emotional time.
My child is in a program that I do not feel is appropriate. What recourse do I have?
Your child's home school district is resonsible for providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). They must create and implement a plan appropriate for your child's educational and emotional needs or pay for a placement that can. We can help you understand this complex referral process.
I have a meeting with my child's school district. What should I expect?
At the PPT or CSE meeting, staff will offer insight into how your child learns, what his or her strengths and interests are, impedements to his or her learning, and suggestings about how to proceed.
What is a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?
A BIP is a written plan that addresses challenging behavior that impedes access to education for a child or surrounding children. It is a a proactive plan that teaches and rewards positive behavior. It is incorporated into a child's IEP (Individualized Education Plan) if the team deems it necessary.
What are the benefits of my child having a 504 plan or an IEP?
A 504 plan or an IEP creates opportunity and equitable education for children in the Least Restrictive Environmrnt (LRE). It establishes structure and provides an actionable plan that promotes educational advancement. These plans are part of a K-12 public education and are recognized by many colleges and universities. Having a 504 plan or an IEP gives students, families, and schools legal protections and allows families to be involved in decisions that impact their child's education. It aso gives students rigts when it comes to education and discipline.